I Think About Thinking (Epicurus)


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Product Description

Size  21″ x 24″ 

About the Piece: Spray Paint on reclaimed wood

I Think About Thinking (Epicurus)

As philosophy and leadership change in the present, I thought I would look to the past, Part II of a new, small, series  originals based on thinkers and rulers of times past.
This piece is a copy, of a Copy, of a Greek statue, located in The Met, of the 1st half of the 3rd century B.C.
The philosopher, Epicurus who lived from 341 to 271 B.C., must have been honored by a portrait statue made late in his lifetime or soon after his death. Numerous Roman copies and now mine, sort of, reproduce the same original, showing the esteem in which Epicurus’ teachings were/are held.

The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.” – Epicurus